Thursday, September 24, 2009

Antu Pandey - My New Baasht Fraand.

I have new penpal and now he's my baasht fraand!!!
Well, you really can't help but be impressed by his impeccable English. :P

Having known your brief acquaint in the internet penpal site I became very glad and my ego compelled me to write you soon. Here is my brief acquaint I am Antu(M), 20yrs old from India having keen interest towards true friendship. If you are having the same towards friendship, please communicate your message without any deceit so that we both can be able to prepare the grand edifice of friendship under each others good look. According to me friendship is the boon of the almighty God so we must share ours innermost lovely feelings on the page of each others friendshi. I want to write much more but not now cause I am your would be new friend and may be you can feel any wrong towards my amibility. As soon as I will receive any respond from your side I will appear again before you. One request more if you are having trust towards my friendship only then write otherwise why will you devote your precious moment towards my amiability. You must devote your precious moment towards your creative work. If possible please attach your picture for my appease cause it will encourage me in fondling your comity. Rest episode would be after you. Staring patiently for your hasten reply


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Who Knew?

It was the talk of the town.
He was 16, she was 15, and no one could believe it. They couldn't believe that she was his friend. That she *talked* to him. The thought itself was nauseating. Maybe he has blackmailed her or done some black magic. Who knew?

She was the darling of the town. She was nice to everyone, extremely soft-spoken and sweet. She was always generous with her sweets, was always the first to offer a helping hand - who wouldn't love her?

He, on the other hand, was more of a social outcast. No one really knew anything him and preferred to stay away from him and his problems. He always turned up in school in his crumpled and yellowing school uniform. He rarely talked to anyone and sat alone in his corner seat in class, from where he watched his dream girl - Lila - the class monitor. It was a different matter however that Lila never had a look to spare him.

Everyone likes order. This was the order of things - he was in his corner drooling over a blonde, and she was with her friends being Ms. Perfect. Then she threw everything into a tizzy. And the world crumbled.


It was recess. Everyone went out to play except him. He always stayed in class, probably because playing required interaction with humans, which he liked to avoid at all costs.
She stayed behind too. Some people who saw them through the class window said she went and sat next to him and started talking to him. Who knows what she said - they couldn't hear anything. She must be saying something very important. They noticed that he didn't say a word to her. Not one. He just kept looking at her emotionlessly. When asked later about the incident, she refused to say anything. This made people suspicious but they all preferred to forget the embarrassing incident.
But then next week, in recess, she did the same thing again. And the next week too. And he never opened his mouth.

Till the fourth week went by. By now, he had even begun to show emotions like frowning and raising eyebrows and suppressing a smile. And she continued to talk to him like this.
Who knows why she did it? Didn't his crumpled clothes and neatly parted hair bother her? Didn't his emotionless face make her want to run away?

On being asked why she bothered with him, she just smiled brightly. "Because I like him." It was a ridiculous lie and no one believed her. Who knows why she really did it? - Except for her, of course.


It started when I was 8. I remember it clearly. I was doing my homework - writing a passage on 'My Mother', when I first heard the voice - "Water!" it said.
I looked around. No one there.
Then I heard the voice again. "Water. Water. Water. Water..." it repeated. I freaked out.
I searched everywhere but couldn't find the source of the voice.
Now it was calling someone an idiot. Then it was wondering about a voice in its head.
It was rather fascinating.
At this point, you can see that even at that afe, I was a bit nutty as I am now. A normal kid would have cried. He's gone running to Mommy. An abnormal like me said, "Hello" and heard a "hello" back.

So that's how, at 8 years of age, I discovered I had a mental connection or a channel with someone who was as nutty as me because even he was totally okay with it. Actually, it all seemed very natural, as if that is how it was meant to be. He thought so too.

Let's just skip over the next few years to age 11.
In this 3-year gap, we skip over him refusing to tell me his name because I could be an evil monster. His mother had told him that monsters could harm you only if they know your real name. So he gave himself a nickname - 'Tim'. I called myself 'Jim'. We also skip over me being excited and telling him all about my life. And how he slowly also starts to open up and I discover he lives at an orphanage. That he likes chocolate a lot and hates PowerPuff Girls. It also involves skipping the millions of times I would zone out because I was thought-talking to him and thus was labelled the 'day-dreamer' in class. It involves me laughing at random times because he thought-said something funny.
If I wasn't nutty, people would have found it weird, but because I am, they thought it was cute. I have no clue why people think I'm so perfect. I'm not. They get vague ideas from stuff they've heard and they think they know you. They're all morons.


At age 11, we learn to control our thoughts. I can completely block out my thoughts so he can't hear them. It's a relief, but I'm also wistful, because I like listening to his thoughts. Also, I wonder if we'll talk all that much because he's such an introvert. Till now, I don't know any specifics about him - his real name or the name of the orphanage or the name of the city he lives in. I realize that people think very little about their own name or where they live. Or atleast people like me and him do. I found it unfair that I told him everything but he didn't - he DID share what was more important to me though - his feelings. Well, he couldn't have avoided it anyway, but still - he liked talking to me about his feelings rather than specifics about his life and I appreciated that. I knew the pain he felt when someone talked about his dead parents. I knew the anger and hatred he felt towards the other orphans at the orphanage. They teased him and called him names. They took his stuff. Ate his food. Hit him. He fought back and came back hurt.
Whenever he talked, my breath hitched. Why would anyone hit anyone else? It was horrifying. Something in my heart twisted when I thought of him sitting in a corner, crying.
In the middle of class, I would get sudden bursts of anger, mixed with sadness, humiliation , regret, irritation and mostly, mostly hatred towards the world. I would start crying myself. My friends would comfort me too. I t felt unfair - I had all of these people and my parents, and he just had me. But I was also proud of my position in his life. I promised myself that I'll always be there for him - his internal support.

So this is how it was for 3 years - after that, we learnt how to control our thoughts, as I've already told you.
It felt weird to not have his random thoughts ringing in my head, but nice too. We started a new ritual of talking at night before bed. We'd talk about our day. Well, I would talk about mine. At this point, he starts closing up. I'm hurt, but I can't blame him. He generally talks about what he learnt at school, not about the boys or about his feelings. Just fake, superficial things and I'm hurt.
I still don't know his name. He knows mine.

Over the next 4 years, our relationship degrades more and he shuts off almost completely. We talk only when needed. Like when I want to know the capital of Atlanta. For most of the time, I don't even remember I'm linked to someone.
Truthfully, we are not linked at all.


I'm 15 now and my class has been shuffled. I'm excepted because it means new friends and new teachers.

It's the first day of school and I meet up with my friends. But that doesn't matter. Let's skip to the important part.

I walk into our new class and find it completely empty. Then I notice a boy sitting alone in the corner and I pause. My friends move past me and pick seats for us and motion me over.

But I'm still staring at the boy and he's staring back at me. Have you looked at someone in the eye for a long time? Usually, it makes you uncomfortable and you look away after a while.
I don't.
Neither does he.
He's looking at me directly in the eye and I'm looking at him too. I don't know what I find to fascinating, but I really can't look away. My heart thuds in my ears. I don't *want* to look away. I'm not uncomfortable.
Neither is he, I know.
We're both nutty.
I think I know who he is.

Then he looks away and I finally notice something other than his eyes. Like his neatly parted long hair, that is fallling into his eyes. He's a little taller than me and rather lean. He's got bags under his eyes and his uniform is crumpled and yellowing.

I walk away finally.
My friends tell me to stay away from him. He's a freak. They laugh. Have you seen his clothes? Have you seen his hair? He has no friends! He's so weird.
One of them tells me he's obsessed with Lila, a girl now in our class. They were both in the same class for the past 3 years and he likes her. Everyone knws.
Also, he's a freak. He rarely talks, sucks at studies, and hates Harry Potter (as he mentioned in one historical English class - historical because he actually spoke. He said, "I hate Harry Potter.")

Point is, everyone hates him. He is, what you call, a loser.

Oh yes, his name is Teobeth. Or Teo for short.


I'm pretty sure Tim is Teo, but I don't know if I want to find out. Anyway, what would I say? I'll look like a complete retard if it isn't him.
And I don't think I want to be associated with him.
Yes, I do care about what other people say, okay? You know you do too. You're just not willing to admit it, so I am superior to you. Ha!

A week passes and my mind is in a tumult. I keep thinking about whether I should approach him or not. I imagine the variety of ways in which I could do it and the possible reactions and results in my mind. I replay them all the time.
I make up my mind. I will talk to him, atleast to stop this thinking.

After school, just as he's about to walk out of class, I open our link so that he can hear my instantaneous thoughts.
There is a whooshing sound in my head like the one when you open a dusty, empty tunnel after a long time and air rushes into it.
And I thought-scream, "Teo!"
And he turns.
He turns. He turns. He turns. And he sees me.
Teo is Tim. Time is Teo. I know. *You* know.
Tim turns and goes out of class quickly. I think he understood what just happened. I think he knows who I am.
I don't know whether I should be disappointed or overjoyed that I found Tim. It used to be my fantasy - to meet Tim finally and be best friends with him.
It died out years ago - my fantasy and our ritual of talking.


I go Googling that evening. I google 'mental connections.' I read. There are a variety of explanations for these conenctions. There is one I like: it says that they connect soulmates. Soulmates are meant to meet. If something happens so that they don't, these connections develop. Cool, isn't it?


The next day, I find myself following Teo with my eyes. I'm constantly watching him and his moves. He's watching Lila. He's always sitting in his corner, watching her.


A week later, you can say I'm seriously obsessed with him.
He's hot. I don't know what I like about his hair, but I just want to run my hand through it and make it all messy, destroy that horrible parting.
And his eyes. There is always this little gleam in his eyes as if he knows something you don't. And the bags under his eyes make me wonder what he's upto. My mind finally begins to connect Teo with Tim and I finally connect a face with all the thoughts, feelings, hopes, and aspirations I know.
It feels strange to thing I knew Teo so intimately. That it was him. The one suffering at the orphangae. All that hate was his.
And all I want to do is hug him. He deserves friends. He deserves Happiness. He's not weird. Atleast, not any more than any of us.


i don't know how, I find myself following him to the orphange after school. He doesn't look back so he doesn't see me. Then he stops and sits on a bus stop.
Shit. I don't have money to get on a bus.
But I wat. Just to see which bus he boards so I'll know where his orphanage is. I know, I could have asked someone at school, but no one knows anything about him. No one even knows that he's an orphan.

So I'm hiding in a bush, waiting. He's sitting on the stop and reading a book. I wait for 15 minutes, half an hour, an hour.
I'm sure all the buses of this freakin town have passed by this stop twice atleast. It's dark now. What is he doing?

Then I see him stoop down and pick up his bag.
He takes out a blanket.
He lives HERE??


I'm so angry and sad and annoyed at the same time. Tim is living on a bus stop? The poor guy. How did he end up there? The sweet guy! He listened to me so patiently. He doesn't deserve this shit.
I hate everyone at school who ever made fun of him. I hate him too.
For cutting me off. Well, it wasn't his fault entirely, but he should have told me, asked for help when he needed it. I was his friend. I was to open our channel and blast my anger at him.
I want to hug him when I think of him sleeping on the bus stop in his tattered blanket. All alone. With no friends to talk to. No family.
Does he have any money? How the hell does he live?
I hate myself.
I haven't bothered to thought-talk with him for more than a year!

I'm sorry Tim.


I come to school with my mind made up that I'll talk to him.
By watching him for the past week, I know that he doesn't go for recess.
I don't go either.
I go upto him and he watches me calmly. I'm burning up inside. I want to know what he's thinking. It's so frustrating I want to scream. Instead, I sit and I talk.
Opening the channel would be easier, but I don't want him to know I've been watching him.
So I talk. I say nothing about the past or ask him anything. I just talk. I tell him what I've been doing for the past year, since we lost touch. I talk about the teachers, my best friend, my life and other totally random things just like we used to earlier. And he just sits and listens. He doesn't say a word.
I keep talking, filling up the place with words so that there's no space between us. He just keeps looking at me in the eye.
The bell rings. I smile and say bye and go.
He looks at me for a while, then starts watching Lila when she enters the class.

I do this the nest week too. I talk about the whole week and my dog and my favourite fruits and random things, just like I did years ago. And he listens like he used to. He doesn't say a word. The bell rings and I go.

It's English class now. I'm frustrated. Why doesn't he say a word? Should I confess about my stalking and ask why he lives on the bus stop? Something tells me he won't reply.

Oh fuck. The English teacher just asked me something. I don't know what. I was busy thinking of you-know-who. I don't know the answer and I don't know what she asked and I'm standing like a dunce as she waits for me to answer, looking expectantly. And

then, a voice sails through the sky and hits me on the head with a *thunk*. It says, "John Keats." *Inside* my head!
I say, "John Keats."
What a relief. The teacher tells me to sit and continues droning.
And me? I'm exploding with happiness.
The channel is officially OPEN!!

He finally starts thought-talking. Monosyllables initially, whole sentences later. It's like when the channel first opene. So I know soon enough hw'll open up completely. So I talk and wait.
The recess thing is like a ritual now. I talk a lot. He just thought-comments. A week later, we start meeting in the breaks too.
My friends thing I'm going nuts and advice me to stay away. I know people are talking, but I know they're snobs.

But I know he doesn't like it, so we start going up to the terrace of the school. That's when I notice he doesn't get any lunch. So I share mine with him.

he's talking a lot more now. Like, in multiples of lines. He tells me about people he doesn't like. Agrees or disagrees with me.

Adds a line or two to what I say. COmments on what I say. We thought-talk in the middle of the class too, and my friends wonder why I'm so dreamy all the time, watch me as I expand with happiness.
I, I'm content just babbling and looking at him. I love the way he keeps looking at me continuously in the eye. It seems as if I actually think about what I' saying, but I don't. I'm on autopilot. My mouth talks as my mind absorbs his smile (did I mention he smiles now? It's a weak curve of the lips, but it makes me - oh forget it!). So I stare at him, savour his eyes, his face, his expressions and his few words and how his lips curve as he talks.
I would say I'm content, but I'm not. He still sits at the back and watches Lila. His eyes dig into her back.

I asked him about her. He swallowed and said she was pretty but he really doesn't care.

Oh, I know better than that, Teo.


I finally ask him about the orphangae. Its 3 months since we first met and we're so close, he's ready to open up. We could be best friends. Or even more. But he likes Lila. He hasn't admitted it, but he mutters incoherently whenever I ask him.
I asked him why he doesn't ask her out and he just raised an eyebrow at me. I'm so stupid. We know better. She and everyone else thinks he's weird and has done black magic on me. Shit heads.
So anyway, I asked him about the orphanage. He paused for a full minute. Then he told me everything.

Everyone was horrible to him at the orphanage. He was beat up constantly, his things were stolen, the food sucked, and he was tired of everything. So a couple of months after we stopped talking, when he turned 16, he moved out.
No one cared.
He just told the manager he was leaving and the guy just asked if he was going to attend school or not.
So the orphanage is still paying for the schooling, but he works after school at the shopping center to support himself. He uses the restroom at the shopping center to bathe. He washes his clothes at the local laundry.
He has got the school to give him the money the orphanage pays them for the extras (sports, transport, etc.).
That's why he doesn't go for recess.
He works. He doesn't get time to study. His belongings fit in his backpack.
Something is shattering inside me as he tells me this. I see from his face that he's happy to get this off his chest, to tell someone.

I hug him.


I drag him to my house after school. I'm shaking with excitement. I go to my room and open the window facing the backyard. He climbs in through it. I lock my door and draw the curtains so that my parents don't get to know. I sneak him food. Then we do our homework together.

He stays for the night.


It's a ritual now. He sleeps here. In my room. On my bed. With me. It's a fact. He comes everyday after work, through the window.
Can you imagine what this is doing to my head? How it's making my heart wrench?
I'm dying here. You know why?
Lila and Teo just went for lunch. It's Sunday, his day off from work. He and Lila are going on a date.
And then he'll come back and sleep on my bed, with me, a person who he doesn't even like. I want to tell him I like him. But I don't.

Ask me how I feel. Wouldn't you die too? Don't you know my heart jumps whenever our arms brush? My heart flutters whenever he looks up at me with that shy, nervous smile.
Do you think I don't freak out when I realize that the guy I'm crazy about is sleeping a foot from me?

Our relationship is nothing but platonic.

I don't like it.

I need to walk.


I sit on a bench and think. The sun is shining and I think.
I think about what would happen if everyone knew about him staying at me place. It would be something as horrifying as mass murder: the sweet, innocent little girl breaking rules. I have no clue where they got the idea that I'm so perfect. As I've already told you, I'm nutty. Like a ground nut.

And I'm thinking, I and Teo were meant to be soulmates. But Teo must be kissing Lila by now. Maybe it's meant to be like this.

Sometimes soulmates aren't meant to be together.
But here should always be a happy ending, right? No one should have a broken heart in the end. If they do, it isn't the end.

So I sit here and wait for the end. Teo found love, so I should too, right? Then it will be a proper end.
So I sit here and wait for true love to come galloping and save me from drowning in my own misery.

Nothing happens. I'm about to get up and go, dejected, when a football thunks me in the head.

"Fuck. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

I look up to see the handsome face of Fahren, a well known hottie from our school. And I think I'm going to cry.
I want him to be really nice to me and ask me if I'm okay, then ask me why I'm crying and listen to me pour my heart out and be really sweet to me. I want him to make me fall in love with him.

Instead, he picks up the ball and goes back to the game.

I sit and cry. And cry. And cry.

Then, I'm all dry. The sun is setting. I just sit and don't think at all.

"Hey, is you head okay?"

It's Fahren. He has 2 ice creams in his hand and he's smiling. I'm not broken and everything in the world is perfect.
I feel so happy. I don't know why.

I bring him home to show him my CD collection. We've been talking continuously since he brought me ice cream and I'm so content - I don't know why.
As if everything is fine. As if things are the way they are supposed to be.

he's standing opposite me, complimenting my room, when I suddenly lean in and kiss him.

The world spins. He kisses me back.

Maybe this IS the way everything should be. Teo and I aren't soulmates. We're just best friends. Our relationship is platonic. We're supposed to be best friends only.
We will move on. I'll slowly fall in love with Fahren. Lila and Teo will live happily ever after.
I healed Teo, opened him up, and Fahren is healing me by making me forget Teo, forget the whole world.
The world spins away from us as we kiss.

We finally pull away and something in the window catches my eye. It's Teo.
I freak out and literally push Fahren out of the house. He's confused but he goes anyway.
I realize what an ass I am. In my desperation to be happy, I just kissed a random person I met 3 hours ago.
A vague part of me is hoping Teo is jealous or affected by seeing me kiss someone. But he doesn't seem affected at all. In fact, he seems quite happy. His date was a 'blast' and he's happy that I've found someone and when asked if they had kissed, he just nodded happily.

We go to sleep today with more than a foot between us. My head is all muddled and I can't sleep.
He's sleeping peacefully. I want to scream at him, jump on him and pull his guts out.
I want him to wake up and realize that he doesn't really like Lila and he actually wants me. I want him to tell me he loves me and kiss me. I want him to have nothing - like fantasies about Lila - to hide from me. I want the channel to be open always. I want us to really be soulmates.
I want each night to be a party. Of us holding hands, making out, and just lying in each others' arms. Of having our own sweet secret and being completely in love. Of happy, childish moments - full of teasing and fun. Of intense moments.
Of us being together inspite of the whole bloody world being against it.

I hate him for doing this. Things could be so perfect. I'll pack him his lunch everyday. I'll iron his crumpled shirt. I'll walk to school hand in hand with his and shock the town. I'll kiss him in little stolen moments in the school's terrace and during recess. I'll run my hand through his neat hair all the time and make it messy. I'll help him with his studies. I'll know him inside out. I'll know all his secrets.
Lila can't do any of that, can she?
Then why doesn't he want me?
Do I need to be blonde?

Point sis, nothing I mentioned above will happen. Sometimes endings are messed up where only one person ends up happy and the rest jut try and cope.
So I'll try and cope.

Tomorrow, I'll tell Fahren the kiss was a mistake and that we need to take things a little slower.
Tomorrow, I'll pretend to be happy for Teo.
Tomorrow, I'll try my best to fall in love with Fahren and make this ending right.

But today, let me wallow in my misery and hate Teo and send death glares towards him. Maybe someday when all this is a vague memory, I'll tell Teo what I felt towards him. How I couldn't breathe around him. How I wanted him so badly.
I'll open my channel and bare my soul and show him what I feel.

I'll do that.



It was in the middle of the football field when Fahren, the football team captain asked her out, in front of a whole crowd of people.

It was obvious he expected a yes. So did everyone.
Really, they would have made a perfect pair: the sweetheart of the school (though a little tainted now by one known as Teobeth) and the star footballer of the school.

But she said no.

Everyone was shocked.
Even Teo - he exhibited astonishment for the first time.

So, in the midst of the collective gasping and a surprised Fahren, she walked off.

No one knew where she went.

Except for Teo.

Some people found Teo and her sitting in the garder behind the school. Their view was obstructed by some tree leaves. She and Teo were leaning against a tree. He, with his arms crossed and she, looking away.
The people heard him ask why she said no. She kept looking away and didn't reply.
He asked her again.

At this point, the informants couldn't understand what happened. She just tunred and looked at him. His jaw dropped. They kept looknig at each other like that for 10 minutes approximately. During this time, his jaw had almost reached the ground.
Then he regained his compusure.

She looked frightened and was shaking.

A little while later, according to what little the could see through the leaves, the informants informed that the two were kissing.


Oh hell.
I'm kissing him. He's kissing me.
My hands are running through his hair like they always wanted to. We pull away and just smile at each other.
His arms are around my waist and he's got this goofy broken grin on his face and the sun is shining through his hair. The bright, summer sun is glinting off his face and his lips and his eyes. And I'm spinning with happiness.
He has opened his link. Like I opened mine a lttle while ago. He knows I love him. And I know he loves me.

I know that he knows I was Jim a long time ago. I was really popular, who didn't know me? He knew I was Jim the moment he saw me years ago. And he wantd me. Like I want him.
So he forced himself to be obsessed by Lila so that he didn't do anything stupid. And he also thought he didn't deserve me. And he didn't want to get hurt.

So he was holding back too. All this while. He was just trying to stay away from me, for my sake, because he didn't think I would want him or that he would ever have a chance. He was forcing himself to like Lila just like I was trying to like Fahren. I know this is true. I know it by the warmth emanating from him. It's all for me. It's warmer than the sun bouncing off his face.
I know it by his smile. I've never seen him smile like this, not even yesterday after he came back from his date with Lila. It's so brilliant - brighter than the sun. It's so bright, it could light up the whole town.

Currently, it's lighting up my world.

He's been pretending to like Lila for 3 years! He has wanted me for 3 years!
Watch as a self-satisfied grin spreads across my face.

Now, excuse us while we kiss a little more.
It's my moment, let me enjoy it.


It's the talk of the school.
He's 17 and she's 16 and they're going out. No one can believe it. Maybe he blackmailed her. Or used black magic.
Who knows?

She's an outcast now. Lila and Fahren (who are dating now - such a perfect couple!) formed an anti-her-and-Teobeth club. She's also very violent and abusive and is the first to punch anyone if they sy anything about Teobeth.
The title of Ms. Perfect that she won in kindergarten seem to be of no value to her.

He's made a few friends now, but he's still a rather unknown entity, because he refuses to discuss his problems with anyone except for her. He always turns up in school with messy hair and a somewhat crumpled uniform with her hand in his.
Somedays, they have bags under their eyes as they haven't slept all night.
He rarely even talks to her. They just sit and stare at each other in a rather sickening way. They hardly say a word to each other all day. He sits in a corner from where he watches her move across class. She's the monitor now.

Everyone likes order. And this is the order of things now - them being together. They go to school together. Then they go to work together. They say they're saving up to buy a house together.
Everyone thinks they're nuts.

It's been a year since they started to go out, and, by now, he's begun to show emotions openly. This has coused them to be caught in rather compromising positions may times - in the janitor's closet, the school terrace, in class during recess ... it's highly embarrassing!

Who knows why she's going out with him? Don't his crumpled clothes bother her? Doesn't his messy hair drive her away?
When asked why she just smiled brightly, "because I love him".

And this time, no one doubts the truth of her statement.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Power cuts in delhi

I am sick of these power cuts. Some officials say that no place has power cuts longer than 1 hour per day should be hit with slippers (journalist style) or made to sit in a corner for lying.
My place didn't start having power cuts till two weeks ago, and its been hell since. We have minimum 3 hour power cuts per day.
And its terribly hot nowadays. Rain (not Rain-kun) is late, so its around 45 degrees everyday in the afternoons. The excessive heat has caused a horrifying pimple to erupt on my nose. *sob* And i've been unable to sleep properly for the last few days, no power in the noon, no power in the night. When there IS light, i go study... So i've just been sleeping 4 hrs a day during my holidays. Does that stink or what?
I say whoever is responsible for the power cuts should be sued for torture of a whole city, and of nose.

How to pretend nothings up- integral part of every teen's life

Whisper good-bye and keep the phone.
Check the time in your cell and gawp at how late it is.
Keep lying on the bed in the dark.
Replay the conversation in your mind.
Think of some of the important parts again.
Think of a thousand things at once.
Turn on the lights, then gawp at how low your cell battery is.
Gawp at how high his cell bill will be.
Giggle, like a...Girl.
Decide that you will sober up before going outside.
Try to sober up.
Try to fight the smile creeping onto your face.
Think of sad stuff.
Think of studies.
Think of how he said he hadn't studied but still topped in the test.
Think of how you called him a spoilt brat.
Imagine him smirking at the other end.
Replay his laugh.
Decide thinking of studies is a bad idea.

Frown and go outside.
Brush your teeth and try not to think at all.
And stop smiling foolishly or ppl will think something is up.
Think about-
* Is something up?
* Do i want something to be up?
* What the heck is going on?
* He's so sweet.
* He's so nerdy.
* He's not hot.
* But i like talking to him.
* No sparks.
* He's so nice.
* What'll happen next?
* Do i want something to happen?
* Am i normal?

Fantasize about the future.
Think about whether you like it.
Don't make up your mind.
Slither into bed in the dark.
Ignore your mom whispering your name questioningly.
Hide your face in the blanket and pretend to be asleep.
Hide from questions she might ask, to which you don't know the answers.
Wait till she leaves.
Slither out of bed.
Write this.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Shiney joke

A joke about shiney ahuja's recent misadventures-

Q. What is Shiney Ahuja's sexual orientation?
A. Bai-sexual.



Finally the coaching break started this friday. All the hostellers are
off to their homes, and i'm here, trying to revise the 11th syllabus.

I currently have a vein throbbing in my forehead, cause i've been
getting pretty mad about a couple of things.
For example, the attacks on indians in australia. AFTER 15 ppl get
attacked, they finally accept that the attacks ARE racist. The worst
thing is, they haven't been able to stop anything. A large number of
attacks have occured after the first few came into people's notice,
but it doesn't seem like they want to take action.

And then, there's my brother. He's an old problem. He's a moron. Need
i say more?

Also, that kanpur-jeans panga and my best friend just reminded me of
the hundreds of incidents in which girls were unfairly discriminated
against and blamed for their rapes, and abused etc etc.

Which also made me think, i understand that guys have high levels of
testosterone, which makes them more aggressive and xxx-ish, but do
they have no self control?
There are millions of cases of eve teasing, rapes and harassment
around the world in just one month. So, that means there are millions
of guys with no control over their hormones and no respect for women.
It just makes me so angry. HOW DARE THEY?
Hormones or no hormones, no matter how horny a girl is, you never see
HER going around feeling the ass of any cute guy on the street. You
don't see them trying to peek at any random guy's dick. No, not even a
guy that you like, just some random guy on the street.
Ew. The thought is pretty disgusting. Why'd you want to see it
anyways, i dunno. Thats why i don't understand how guys manage to get
excited by staring at any random female's boobs.
And then, if a girl gets raped, she's treated as if it was her fault.
Her 'character' is doubted, some families disown the girl, people
mistreat you, and always, the guy gets away with no consequences.

I'll stop now. It just frustrates me a lot, and to no avail.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Drown- part iii

I woke next morning to the sound of banging. Startled, i looked around.
He was gone.
I realised that the ship had stopped moving because the to-and-fro motion that i'd gotten used to in the past 24 hrs had stopped.
Someone pounded on the door again.
God help me. We'd been discovered. No. He'd lose his job. His chance. All cause of me. He'd be in trouble. No, i won't let it happen. I won't blame him.
I clutched my blanket to my chest and pushed myself into a corner as i waited for the person to enter. I blinked against the dazzling light as the door swung open and banged into the wall next to it, making me.
A figure of a man stepped in. Then he jumped back, suprised. "who are you? What are you doing here?"
"I..." i gulped. "i am trying to get to Puerto." He looked bewildered. I continued, "Please, i want a new beginning... in a new land... I want to start over again. Please let me travel with you... I just wanted to go somewhere far from here..."
i stopped when the man started laughing. "This ship aint going nowhere, miss. This is the Sheldon ferry." My jaw fell slack. "We just ship stuff across the banks. We aren't going to any 'far off lands'. Sorry." he tried to hide his grin.
My mind when numb. I didn't want to think.
I clutched the blanket tighter around me and stepped into the brilliant light outside. I was right. We were back at the port- the same place where i started.
I felt nauseated.
I wanted to throw up.
I walked on.
Something told me that i wouldn't see him again, but i tried not to think about it as i stumbled off the ship.
I walked slowly, with measured steps, as the tears fell in a continuous stream across my cheeks.
I tasted their saltiness when i licked my lips.

I thought i had nothing to lose.
I guess i was wrong.

This time i jumped into the sparkling water without hesitation.


YAY! My 107th post! And boo to anyone who actually thought i'd write cheesy horrible cliched love stories, which honestly make me want to puke. Life isn't perfect. Prince charming won't pop out from behind the boxes at your time of need to rescue you. Deal with it. P.S. Don't get raped either.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Drown- part ii

He sneaked me onto the ship that night. He got me food, water and a blanket and i stumbled after him in the dark as he led me to the ship. It was pitch black, i could hardly see even the ship. He took me to a tiny room, which was almost bare, save a few boxes. There was a little bulb on one wall, but there were no windows. Maybe it was a store room. I didn't ask. I was far too grateful.
He smiled at me before he left, locking the door from the outside, so as to not arouse suspicion-he said.

I felt the boat move a few hours later, i tried to sleep, but spent most of the time thinking instead.
I wondered what would have happened if he hadn't chanced upon me tonight. I would have probably been floating in the sea, bloated up like a balloon.
He saved me.
He was my saviour.
This could be out of some movie. I wondered why he'd stopped. He could have gone on, ignoring the girl with a wild look in her eye and the dirty white cotton dress.
Did he do it because he was kind or because he saw something else in me? Was it fate that we met? Were we destined to meet? Would we have a happy ending like in movies?
Maybe i would fall in love with him.
Maybe i was already in love.
I smiled as i thought about him. His kindly eyes, his eyebrows furrowed with worry. For me. Is it possible that anyone can worry about me?
And he also gave me a chance when no one else did. Maybe i was worth the chance.
I was deeply grateful to him. I clutched the worn blanket to my chest as the ship swayed a bit. I wish i could say him back somehow.


I love him, i decided later, as i nibbled at a piece of bread.
I love him, but am i worthy of being loved by someone so amazing? Could he love me?
Yes, maybe he could. Maybe it was destiny. Maybe we were soul mates. Maybe we'd get married and live together in Puerto. We'd have 2 kids- a boy and a girl. We'd be hopelessly in love. We'd grow old together and smile at the memory of me, who once, in a white cotton dress was going to jump off a bridge. We'd smile at his courageously sneaking me onto- which ship is this? Onto this ship to Puerto. We'd live together happily.


He came again that night. He got a quilt and some more food with him. He grinned at me as we shared the food under the dim light of the bulb. His grey eyes seemed to sparkle.
After we ate, we set up the quilt on the floor and then lay on it, flat on our backs, looking up at the ceiling. Our arms were almost touching.
I smiled.

"We'll get there in 8 days time." he said, "try and not make a lot of noise... I'm sorry i couldn't make good enough arrangements for you..."
"No, no... Its more than enough. I just want to tell you how grateful i am to you..." i turned my head to look at him "Thank you..." i whispered.
He slowly turned his head to look at me too. My heart skipped a beat. Our faces were so close, i could feel his breath on my face.
I closed the distance.
I kissed him.
And he kissed back.

As he slid the cotton dress off, all i could think of was how maybe we all DID live in fairy tales with happy endings, and how maybe, just maybe, i'd found mine...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Drown- part i

The wind was cool. It brushed part me and made my limp hair come to life and dance with it. I pushed it off my face and blinked rapidly to clear the tears blurring my vision.
I took a few deep breaths to try and calm myself.

Calm myself.

What a joke. Being calm, standing here, 20 feet above the water. I gripped the railing and stared at the dark black water below me.
Why am i gripping the railing?
I laughed through my tears. I should be letting go, not holding on.
I laughed again,a choked maniacal laugh. I'm talking as if i have a lot to hold onto.
My loose cotton dress whipped around my legs, and i shuffled my feet, as to stand a bit more comfortably on the edge of the outer side of this bridge.
I came here to drown. Not myself. I just wanted to drown the pain stabbing me from the inside. If i had to drown myself too to kill it, then so be it.

But why are you still standing? Jump!
You had made up your mind, hadn't you? Jump now!
I taunted myself as i gave another choked sob.




"Don't jump." i heard someone behind me. It was a man. He had a calm, raspy voice. I liked it.

"why?" i whispered. "why shouldn't i?"
"why should you?"
i laughed hysterically. Suicidal tendencies sure screw up your sense of humour.
"he left me." i took a deep breath, "i left everything for him. My parents. My home. My country. I came here after him." i stared at the liberating water through blurry eyes. "And still he left me. I don't have anything. No money, no job, no home... Nothing. Why should i live?"

He went silent. Did he agree? Don't tell me you agree... Please...

"i also once had nothing." he suddenly spoke. "i was ready to give up too. But then, someone gave me a chance, a man i didnt even know. He gave me a job on his ship. I learnt, i worked, i travelled. I saw and experienced new things. Slowly, i grew back." he paused. "you need to give yourself a chance too."
i blinked back my tears. A chance? I tightened my grip on the railing.
"My ship is leaving for Puerto tomorrow morning, a place far from here. If you are willing to take the chance, i can sneak you onto my ship. You can start over again, in a new country, with a new name. A new beginning."
i turned around carefully, placing my feet carefully on the ledge.
I turned to a young man, about my age, with brown hair and a round face. And grey pools for eyes, slightly similar to the dark water i could fall into if i let go now. But his grey eyes were warm, his eyebrows furrowed with concern. The water was cold and still, with no marks on its perfect surface.

I climbed over to railing to him.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

First day of the last summer hols

Yesterday was the last day of school before the hols. It wasn't much of a senti affair as most of my class will be coming to school during the hols anyways cause of coaching, and we'll see each other everyday.
But anyways,we did get into a sort of senti mood on realising that this is the last summer hol of our life. Shucks. Then we started flashbacking on the most memorable things since eleventh.
Since most of my class is of hostellers/ppl who just came in eleventh, it was quite a suprise as to how close we've grown in a few months, since july, actually. Ok, fine, in about a year...Whatever, its quite less as compared to the 5-12 years that we've known other ppl in school.

Yae. Its list time.

List of memorable things about section B (completely random order)

* BuKuSuKu
This is one of the most recent memorable things. The BuKuSuKu group was formed by me, upasna, deepti and nayani. Credit for the name goes to Mr. Punnet, founder of the Punnet's square, which we used to think up the name. We used our initials as gametes and formed a square. One of the columns had Bu Ku Su Ku in it, which we took as our group name. But its f irritating when all the other members yell 'BuKuSuKu' at random intervals to piss me off cause i think its a pathetic name though i do love them all.

* The Obi gang
My name is Subohi. You write it as Subohi, you pronounce it as SU-BO-HI. The exact way you write it. Yet some teachers are partially blind and transform it to shubhi, subah, shobi and even subodh. Once upon a substitution teacher called me shobi, and a certain friend of mine called shreya pandey kept making fun of of throughout the day by calling me so too. I finally got irritated and told her that if i was shobi, she was a gobi (cauliflower in hindi). She shrugged. Thus began the obi gang. Her unseperable twin, shreya de (they're not related in anyway, but we all suspect they were destined to be together cause they both hit off really well on meeting) was sometime later christened as dhobi (washerwoman in hindi), thus making the obi gang complete. Our signature is the two-finger hi-fives (hi-two's?). Later, pankhuri was invited to join the group as aloo(potato)-as gobi and aloo are inseperable, and she, sort of agreed.
But it still makes me wonder as to why our gang is named after the belt of a kimono.

* Aditi and 'Yo-man!'
this is during the initial phases, when we'd just met and jtjn had just been released. We used to recite aditi like a poem, in all the ways possible-rap way, sad way, yelling way, serenading way. And we used to say yo-man all the time. It was like our class symbol. We even drew two fingers and a big 'Yo!' as a flag and put it on the notice board. Yae. Fun.

Note- i'll continue later. I really need to go study kinetics or i'll flop in the next test too. *sob*

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Oh ya.

Just realised. This is my 102nd post. Crossed the 100 mark. Cheers. Real celebration on 107th post (i like 7's).

I've decided.

I give up. I can't take it anymore. Enough is enough.


Its bloom time! I love these flowery trees!
Around a month ago, bloom time started in our colony with the purple trees. I dunno their name, but they're AWESOME! I saw them everyday in the evenings, when i came back from coaching and they absolutely made my day. These delicate looking bunches of purple at the tips of the tree branches....Sort of make your heart full of something....Its so beautiful that you can't stop a smile springing to your face. But the flowers are all gone now.
Now, the red tree is in full bloom. It makes my day too. Its like...Completely red...I see it every morning, its right across the road from my bus stop. Its flowers are starting to fall too now, but its as pretty as ever. It makes me smile, seeing the red branches sway in the (relatively) cool morning wind. But they're going too now.
Now its blooming time for my favourite tree. The yellow tree. Or as i discovered some time ago, the amalthas or the laburnum tree. I'm not particularly fond of yellow, but this tree is an explosion of yellow, dangling down from the seemingly white branches. It just makes you feel so happy, for no reason, and makes me smile, as if everything doesn't suck, and is perfect, and complete... Dunno, i just feel great seeing the tree. And i bless the soul who planted one opposite our building. So i see it everyday. This is the first year its blooming and its short, but its beautiful. While walking by, i couldn't resist breaking of one branch full of flowers. There are quite a few yellow trees in munirka. 2 are just near my bus stop. They're larger, but not as pretty as my yellow tree.
But its weird. They're blooming late this year. I remember seeing them in full bloom in march, on the way to the board exam centre. I'd love seeing them. I sort of thought of them as my lucky charm. There were dozens on the way, and i would gaze happily at them as the cool air from the open car window ruffled my hair. I think they are my lucky charm. But i also don't believe lucky charms work, those stones and taveez things seem far too... Unreliable...
But i've preserved my yellow tree branch in my pradeep subjective just in case.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Class Teacher

My CT is driving me insane. I frankly could have cared less about her, but she has a certain charm that says 'listen to every crappy word !I¡ say you moron or !I¡ will punch the air out of your alveoli !!!'

I can actually list the things about her that put me off-

Thing that puts me off number 1- she lacks any voice modulation skills. She starts off in a soft enough tone and ends up literally barking the notes at you. It really makes me cringe. Its as if she is shouting the lesson angrily at us. I hate ppl yelling. It makes my tummy churn in an unpleasant way.
Eg- 1.1 "write- Kleinfelters syndrome. It is caused due to... *cringe* PRESENCE OF AN ADDITIONAL COPY OF *cringe* *cringe* !X-CHROMOSOME!!!¡ such an individual can suffer from... *cringe* GYNAECOMASTIA!!! - Development of *cringe* BREASTS!!! *cringing hyperdrive*"

Thing that puts me off number 2- her life revolves around the word 'I' and 'me' and 'my'.
2.1 She'll tell you stories about her and her greatness and her power and her stature and her daughters and her life without anyone asking.
Eg 2.1.1- MY daughters are so amazing. MY second daughter is more dedicated than MY first. She studied for medical herself without MY help and got in HERSELF!
2.1.2 YOU don't know what life is. You HAVE to do your job no matter what. Like ME. !I! remember when !I! was pregnant with MY second daughter, !I! went to school EVERYDAY and taught till the very last day. That day, !I! came to school and then went back home and delivered MY daughter that night."

2.2 She will tell you exactly how knowledgable and worship-worthy she is.
Eg 2.2.1 "What? He's in the clinic? Yeah, yeah, !I¡ knew that. !I¡ know everything. MUJHE sab pata hai!!! MUJHE 25 yrs ka experience hai!"
Eg 2.2.1 "Huh? Which chromosome mutation causes leukemia? Oh ya. !I¡ know. MUJHE pata hai. MY brother had leukemia. MAINE dekha hai vo chromosome!!!"

Thing that puts me off number 3- she craps a lot about HER 25yrs of experience, mentioning how knowledgable and great she is whenever she can. She also keeps quoting from her 10yr old withering out of date ncert very proudly, probably cause she'd learnt it off heart. She's the bio HOD, but she still doesn't know the 3yr old syllabi well enough and has to literally read out the text book to us as notes.
Eg 3.1 She draws the diagram to show how chromosomes seperate- "hain? Oh, i drew this diagram from the old ncert. That was one excellent BOOK! Oh, it has one step less than the new book. Wait, *scribbles* here, you can draw this step too if you want...... In the exam, YOU have to draw this step. It is important. MUJHE pata hai. MAINE paper check kare hain for the boards, !I¡ know what they want. DRAW IT!"

Thing that puts me off number 4- Her ability to say crap and get away with it.
Her intro's to repro classes are famous,(she gives intro's due to the princi passing a law that she will not teach repro, probably cause she is perverted. We're taught repro by another teacher.). She is also known to pass a lot of perverted and embarrassing comments. She also knows the art of incorporating perverted-ness everywhere.
Eg 4.1 We're studying about chromosomes of fruit flies. Nothing perverted at all. The CT comments- " They complete their life cycle in 2 weeks and produce a large number of progeny flies. Having kids is very IMPORTANT. If you don't have kids, your marriage will break down. Pyaar-vyaar sab khatam ho jata hai! Kids keep the MARRIAGE TOGETHER! Having kids is a MUST!" er, ok.
Eg 4.2 Intro to repro class by her- "This is not the right time for you to indulge in SEXUAL activity! You are too YOUNG! GIRLS! Keep Boys At BAY!"
Eg 4.3 We study genes. Another innocent topic. "ok. A QUESTION. If the MOTHER has blood group B and the FATHER has O, can the CHILD have AB blood group?" *everyone acts confused* "NO! The child CAN NOT be AB unless he is adopted, or the mother is.... having a chakkar with the NEIGHBOUR!"

Uh, Ok. Thanx for violating my innocent mind.

B.R.A. -Battle Ready Armour

Who the hell said bra's are not of any use except from stopping your breasts from jiggling?

Ok, that might be the case with ordinary bra's but not this woman's!
This 57 yr old woman is still alive because of her Bra.
She had spotted a couple of 16 yr olds breaking into her neighbours place in the morning, and when they saw her, they shot at her.
And Super Duper Under-wired Bra successfully deflected the bullet, thus saving the woman's life! (yup, she was injured, but she didn't atleast die)

The detroit police sgt says that they should get bullet-proof vests made of that wire, and i dunno why, but i find the idea slightly creepy.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Apr 15

I just had another dream.
And it was bad. It wasn't that frightening, but the atmosphere of this one... Was full of dread.
All dreams have a feeling, a major one that is omnipresent. This one had dread.
I'm writing this so that i don't forget what the dream was about or forget to write it and because i want to tell someone, even if, no one may actually read this.
It majorly had-
a spaceship
my class-upasna (goes home), dhobi n gobhi
the dude i hate (to be called D henceforth)
a friend of mine, male (to be called p henceforth)
some lessons
more dread

enough dread to keep me shaking even after i woke up, and going and hugging my mom in my sleep. I dunno what i was frightened of, but i walked extremely slowly and cautiously around the house. I was afraid. Very afraid.
I'll describe the dream when i get back. I gotto take a bath and get ready for school.
If i recover completely, maybe i won't describe the dream at all. :)

a frightening thought- the feelings can leak out of dreams

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Recipe- song a la crap

Ways to destroy a song-

1 good song by a famous composer. For best effects, select a fresh one, on which the composer has worked hard.
1 composer, who won't complain about the shit his song will endure
2 awards
1 irritating slut group
3 jars of vela news channels
2 sucky campaign managers

make the song as famous as possible by adding 2 awards to the composer in a bowl. To initiate the process of making the song irritating, add the 3 jars of vela news channels who will play the song as background music for every news possible (cricket match victories,awards,shoke sabhas,a dog's marriage to a tree).
Continue stirring till the public is completely pissed with the song and turns a light red (with anger). Ensure that the public loses all real appreciation for the lyrics and tune and composer.

Hand out the song to a slut group so they can make a remix. Add seductive words and 3 1/2 pounds of raw flesh (comes free with slut group). Garnish with dumb lines till song is repulsive enough to make you puke.
(suggested garnishing- "just keep it burnin, yeah baby, just keep it comin...")

Take 2 sucky campaign managers who have no intelligible ideas. Allow them to remix the song as to promote their parties. This can be done in two ways-
1) by criticising the government through the lyrics (if you were not the government) and blaming them for every calamity, accident, wardrobe malfunction on ramp, your dirty restroom, any disease and/or any other mortal sin.
2) by praising the goverment in the lyrics and flashing weird pictures of your party leaders, flags, supporters, animals and toilet paper rolls in the video. (if you were the government last time)
Then, pay some of the afore mentioned vela news channels to play these videos instead of commercials. Ensure they are popular so that there is maximum destruction.
Suggested garnishing-recession hit public

Congratulations. You just beat the crap of a really good song.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Does anyone know how to stop yourself from dreaming?
No, not day-dreaming.... The sleep dreams.
Can you stop them? I'll probably go mad if i can't.

Today i dreamt that my grandma died.
Before that i dreamt of something just as freaky.
The day before i had a dream inside a dream inside a dream. And i was asleep for just 1 1/2 hrs. And the dream wasn't pleasant.
Sometime before that, i dreamt of being convicted for a crime i hadn't done and someone dying. I woke up crying.

Someone make it stop. Please.

P.S. I've decided to keep a dream diary from now on and record my dreams before i forget them and also how frequently i dream.
If i sleep less than i do now, will it stop? I sleep 5 hrs nowadays.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Two cells of E. coli were wandering slowly
Down the gastrointestinal tract.
An F+ was he, an F- was she,
And their membranes were bound to attract.

Now the dainty F- was born in a sinus
Where her members did seldom trespass,
But the brawny F+ was spawned in some pus,
And produced both acid and gas.

A kiss he had stolen, down deep in the colon;
"Don't touch me", she said, "or I'll scream!
I have no protection, and an F+ infection
Would spoil my maidenly dream."

So the poor lonely fella withdrew his flagella
And worshipped her from afar;
"At least", he said, "wait, till I can mutate
And come back an HFR.

I totally love this poem, I dunno where it came from, but is most probably off the net. We found it in one of the files in the pen drive Kusum ma’am gave us.
I like it, its funny, so we’re putting it in the bio magazine too(Nayani was against it first, saying that its too “suggestive”) .Since we’re all naughty kids, who really don’t need any xxx-type thoughts about e-coli cells, I changed the para, to make it decent enough to pass our censor board (aka, the HOD)
So now the para goes like:
A kiss he had stolen, down deep in the colon;
"Stay away", she said, "or I'll scream!
I don’t want your attention, as an F+ infection
Would spoil my maidenly dream."

Soom- breath

Breath is a…complicated movie. Its weirdly incomplete, but inspite of that I like it. Everything has been portrayed awesomely though.
The script lacks a lot of dialogues, but I think it went great without them.
It has been nominated for the Palme d’Or. It’s a Korean movie by some Kim kin-duk (I think).
The main lead is Jin, a person who has been sentenced to death for some crime. He appears in the news due to his attempt at suicide using the sharpened end of a toothbrush (which one of his other inmates used to scratch images on the wall with), and jabbing at his throat. Blood squirts at the face of X (the artist) and Y inmate screams his head off.
Jin’s vocal chords are thus conveniently damaged, rendering him mute for the whole film (convenient, as the actor playing Jin didn’t know Korean anyway).
Jin appears on the news, and we’re informed that his date of death has been extended due his second suicide attempt, where Yian (female lead) sees him. She is a sculptor with a kid and a husband (lets call him Pig), who has been cheating.
Following a fight, she impulsively leaves the house in the middle of the night and goes to the jail where Jin is staying.
She asks to see him, claiming to be his ex-gf. She is allowed by the Boss of the jail (whose face is not shown, just a hazy reflection of his face, as he watches the interactions between Jin and Yian on a TV through the security cameras- I think he’s just plain perverted).
Jin and Yian meet with a glass barrier with tiny holes between them. He doesn’t say a word-just watches her intently and curiously. She talks, she told him how once she’d been dead for 5 minutes as a child. She and her friends were holding their breath for fun and she said that she remembers what it felt like-sometimes. She said it wasn’t bad. She requests him not to hurt himself anymore. He breaks one hair off her and examines it silently. Before he is dragged off, he plants a breathy kiss on the glass.

Yian visits again. This time, there’s no glass. She’s covered the walls of the meeting room with paintings of flowering meadows and is wearing a summer dress, even though it is snowing outside. The whole scene is a stark contrast from the rest of the movie, which is full of dull colors, maybe mirroring her empty life-SPRING She sings a song a song for him and causes him to break into a small smile (AWWWW!!!!). They then sit down. She speaks. He listens. She tells him about her memories of spring, as he slowly extends his hands towards her face, watching her with a strange intensity. He comes closer and closer to her face. Perverted man rings the bell to end the meeting. Jin is dragged away.
She tears her paintings off the wall, crying. She burns them in a dustbin.

She returns a few days later. SUMMER. Repeat performance themed summer. She talks. He stares intently. Then they kiss passionately.
When she returns, Pig gets mad at her and asks her where she’d been disappearing. He says that she’s been neglecting the household and the kid and says that he fulfilled her duties even when he was cheating.
Its weird. God knows why Yian goes to meet Jin, because of jealousy or boredom or lack of a social life or out of revenge Also, throughout the movie, she doesn’t say a word to Pig, while Jin doesn’t speak to her...

So, she ignores Pig and goes to meet Jin again. AUTUMN. The paintings are of a beautiful mountain. Jin stands near her painting of a tree and watches her sing. This time they don’t sit. Yian takes his handcuffed hands, and puts them over her head so that she’s trapped between his arms. She tells him that she once met a man under a similar tree on a mountain. She loved him (Pig). They kiss.
Pig had followed her and sees them kissing from Pervert’s office.
Pig tells her to stop meeting Jin and says he’ll stop his affair too. They yell. Fight. Now we find out that Jin was in jail as he’d killed his wife and daughters. This comes as a surprise, totally different from the loving and calm Jin we’d come to know. She agrees because of their kid. Pig goes to meet Jin and tells him she won’t come anymore. Jin attempts suicide the third time with the sharpened toothbrush(not very effective is it?).
Yian sees this on TV, Pig tries to change the channel, but she throws a glass at his head (nice one). She later goes to him and kisses him, but he ends up pushing her away. I suppose he gets it then that they really don’t belong together.
She goes to the jail. Pig drops her. He and kid build snow-men outside as she visits.
There’s no singing or paintings this time. Just the stark white walls, similar to the dull snow outside. They make out, with a desperate touch this time.
They all go home.
The end.
Pretty pointless, I agree. But its been shot beautifully. The strange …love (call it what u want) between Jin and Yian is fascinating. I don’t really get it. And though the movie seems very incomplete, I still like it. The weird romance and the strange acceptability shown by Jin is mystifying. I really can’t explain it. The movie sets you off thinking in various directions. The romance might have existed cause Yian wanted revenge at her hubby and because Jin was grabbing at any chances to live a bit more and was plain bored at the jail.
Or it could be because of the soulmate thing… they just saw each other and knew they belonged together. No questions asked.

I like the idea of that. Just seeing someone and knowing you belong together.
Then staying together.
No questions asked.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Extract- Does My Head Look Big In This?

Aw. This book is really nice. Its called “Does My Head Look Big In This?” by Randa Abdel-Fattah. Its about this muslim girl in Australia, who studies at a stuck-up grammar school called McCleans. No big deal. But then, she decides to start wearing the hijab full time. The book is about all the probs she has and how she handles them. the book discusses prejudices and serious topics like this in a very…cool manner. They come up in Amal (main lead)’s daily life, and she talks about it in her own witty-wise way. She’s pretty funny and makes you think a lot without being too serious or feel like you’re being preached on how to treat muslims. Nice.

I’m fond of one particular para in the book, which could be credited for me liking the book overall:
Amal (hijab-wearing muslim girl, victim of prejudiced thoughts) and Simone (“oh-my-god-I’m-fat-because-I’m-not-stick-thin-so-I’m-horrible-inspite-of-being-damn-beautiful” girl, victim of society. Oh well, aren’t we all…)

Simone shrugs her shoulders. “Yeah, well, it’s probably true…sometimes I start a diet and then I open a Cosmo or a Cleo and there are these articles about pregnant superstars losing thirty kilos in two or three months and here I am struggling to lose a kilo. So I give up and demolish a Mars bar. Or I see all these model shoots of these gorgeous beach babes with their bones poking into my hand when I turn the pages and I think, what’s the point? Even if I lose ten kilos and was in my weight-height ratio, people would still consider me fat. I wish I could be anorexic. How sick is that, huh? But I don’t have the self-control to live off a lettuce leaf a day. And I’ve tried the whole bulimia thing but I can’t even throw up. I’m just pathetic! Abnormal!”
“You know what? Who cares what normal is, Simone. Let’s protest. From now on we’re anti-normal, anti-average, anti-standard. You can eat when you want to, I’ll wear what I want to, and we’ll die with a packet of chips in our hand and a tablecloth on our head.”


My blog has had no aim or apparent…um…theme till now. Now, I’ve decided to make it into an anti-anti-muslim blog.

No, its not sudden, its just been a process.

#1 I suppose it began with my darling grandmother, aka Dadi, coming over. She stayed for a couple of days, and well, I suddenly noticed the complete absence of spiritualism or any kind of feeling of religious duty etc. etc. I also noticed the lack of…I dunno how to put it.
Well, when we were kids, we were always preached about being good and not lying, god watching us, our duties, to be nice to everyone, being polite and helpful and all the good things which make me want to puke. I sort of lost touch of all that, forgot about it. Probably because I’m not constantly reminded to be like that anymore. Whatever, she told me stories of Prophet Mohammad, reminded me to help my mother when I could, reading the Koran after the exams (I’m getting an English version, Dadi approves) etc.
My mother used to tell me all that too, but being the rebel I was (/am) I ran away from all of it, without any reason. I refused to pray, to read the Koran or listen to her. What a brat. Point is,I realize the importance of it all now.

Ok maybe not, but now I’ve started to think, Why not? I’ve been disrespecting an awesome chance I’ve been getting. I rejected it all without trying it. Its cool you know, to learn to read Arabic, know verses, to…dunno. I’m frankly curious about my own religion which I have blatantly ignored till now.

#2 Then, HT started an article series about the Godhra riots that happened years back. It plain freaks me out. Being hunted down, being killed, even worse, being raped, even worse, watching your family being killed or raped. Just because you belong to some other community. It’s usual for us all to read about killings in the papers without batting an eyelid, as it is for me. But I sort of am more terrified about this because…well, I sort of know how it feels. I used to have a few dreams about being chased by someone. I was in this block of apartments, which was completely empty. I’d keep running, then try to hide, try to bunch myself in the tiniest possible space, hold my breath. But I knew in the end he’d find me. And that wouldn’t be good.
Ok, maybe you don’t understand, but there is this horrible dread of being caught…its terrifying…
Whatever. Point is, I understand. And its unfair that some innocent people were pinpointed and killed just because they were muslim…they had to run for their lives…they lost everything they had…their own childhood friends came raiding their houses… aargh
Its plain freaky, ok? The worst thing is, it could happen one day to me too…the way things have been going downhill for us. The image of muslims is getting worse.
Also, I hate the fact that there is an image…its like we’re an object…or a certain bloc that can be categorized as something, as the Terrorists, or the Totally-Covered-Up’s, or the Oppressed-Women-One’s. No one seems to be categorizing any other community. They don’t go “oh! You’re a hindu!” with surprise if you don’t hang ganeshas around your neck, put tilaks and yell out your religion.
And fuck, is it irritating when people are surprised when they realize I’m a muslim, they all go “oh, you don’t look like one!”
What the hell is that supposed to mean? I’ve heard the comment hundreds of times now and have managed to come up with a few retorts that lets ppl know I’m pissed.
Eg: “Why? Because I don’t have horns growing on my head?” or “What am I supposed to look like?” or “Do the rest of them wear badges or what?”
Ok, that’s plain rude.

#3 Then, it was reading Randa Abdel-Hakim’s novel. It makes me admire the heroines bravery and be ashamed of my own lack of religious practice. I mean, Amal is supposed to be a girl in Australia, who prays, knows all her verses, and even wears the hijab. What kind of moron am I?
Being the brat I am, I condemned wearing the salwar-kameez, used studying as an excuse to not pray and escape from reading the Koran.
I was so,so wrong. So stupid.
No, it doesn’t mean I’ll become a fanatic. I just want to belong a bit more to my community, learn a bit more about my religion. I want to have a bit more right to defend my community against crappy stupid people who think we all are terrorists. Just a little right.
I just want to do it…for me.
What if the Final Judgment will happen? What will I do then?
I might sound like a stupid person to atheists, but…I don’t see anything wrong in learning. I want the English version of the Koran, to understand what it means, to learn Arabic again. I mean, I’d read parts of the Koran earlier, prayed, fasted…but I did that because I was told to, I did it half-heartedly.
This time… I’ll do it because I want to. And I feel happy knowing that.

P.S. Congratulations. You just witnessed a change-of-heart thing. I feel a sense of responsibility now, about being muslim, towards my community, and Allah. I don’t want to be a muslim just because I was born into my family, I want to earn it a bit. I want to be a bit more religious just because some assholes condemn people because they’re muslim, and being the snobbish brat I am, I’ll do whatever they don’t like.

P.P.S. If you hate Muslims may Allah drop a tree on your stupid head.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

V-day, come and gone

Another v-day come and gone, and I’m still stuck in this rut.
I don’ have a bf, thinking of turning lesbo
Since I can’t rhyme, I better shut

Oh, don’t look at me like that. I CAN rhyme, but not when miserable, and when the world is intent on torturing me with events such as practicals and valentine’s days. Seriously, till last year, I didn’t give a damn, but this year, it really hits you. You wonder if you’re pathetic cause you don’t have a bf or great because you don’t have a bf for a person you don’t even like.
I can hardly like a guy for more than…what? 2 days?
Me no say a word. V-day is meant for people in love.
And I don’t believe in love.
Yeah, yeah, don’t go singing the Dido number. I’m serious.
I don’t believe in love. I would put up my long explanation as to what love is supposed to be, but I’m lazy, so I’ll do it some other time. I don’t believe love exists, just… acceptance and obsession.
If you like a person and accept their flaws, inspite of their imperfectness, its acceptance.
If you like a person and don’t see their flaws, its obsession.
I suffer from obsessions every now and then, and patiently wait for them to wear off. They mostly end in a day or two. At that point, the person seems amazing, capable of anything, a glorious god. When it wears off, I usually find myself cringing at the guy I almost worshipped.
I’m blind then. Just like Romeo and Juliet and other crappy story characters are. When ppl meet and “fall in love” at first site, and say, “there was something about his/her face”, its because you fell for their looks, darling. You were obsessed. You can’t see how pathetic the person may be, just act pig-headed and do stupid stuff (like kill yourself, in Juliet’s case).
It wears off. And that’s what causes “love” marriages to break down, often giving the arranged-married-is-best ppl to be gleeful.
Acceptance is far better. You’re not obsessed, but you can live with the person, without any unpleasant surprises, and know them completely.
Yeah, you could call acceptance “love”, but then…you accept some people, but you don’t exactly want to live with them, or just be with them forever.
So, maybe you could call love a combo of acceptance and liking…but then you apparently “love” your parents too, even though you may not completely accept their flaws or like everything about them.
Yikes. I wrote a sermon, even without intending to. I’ll finish up the argument some other day.
