Thursday, May 7, 2009

First day of the last summer hols

Yesterday was the last day of school before the hols. It wasn't much of a senti affair as most of my class will be coming to school during the hols anyways cause of coaching, and we'll see each other everyday.
But anyways,we did get into a sort of senti mood on realising that this is the last summer hol of our life. Shucks. Then we started flashbacking on the most memorable things since eleventh.
Since most of my class is of hostellers/ppl who just came in eleventh, it was quite a suprise as to how close we've grown in a few months, since july, actually. Ok, fine, in about a year...Whatever, its quite less as compared to the 5-12 years that we've known other ppl in school.

Yae. Its list time.

List of memorable things about section B (completely random order)

* BuKuSuKu
This is one of the most recent memorable things. The BuKuSuKu group was formed by me, upasna, deepti and nayani. Credit for the name goes to Mr. Punnet, founder of the Punnet's square, which we used to think up the name. We used our initials as gametes and formed a square. One of the columns had Bu Ku Su Ku in it, which we took as our group name. But its f irritating when all the other members yell 'BuKuSuKu' at random intervals to piss me off cause i think its a pathetic name though i do love them all.

* The Obi gang
My name is Subohi. You write it as Subohi, you pronounce it as SU-BO-HI. The exact way you write it. Yet some teachers are partially blind and transform it to shubhi, subah, shobi and even subodh. Once upon a substitution teacher called me shobi, and a certain friend of mine called shreya pandey kept making fun of of throughout the day by calling me so too. I finally got irritated and told her that if i was shobi, she was a gobi (cauliflower in hindi). She shrugged. Thus began the obi gang. Her unseperable twin, shreya de (they're not related in anyway, but we all suspect they were destined to be together cause they both hit off really well on meeting) was sometime later christened as dhobi (washerwoman in hindi), thus making the obi gang complete. Our signature is the two-finger hi-fives (hi-two's?). Later, pankhuri was invited to join the group as aloo(potato)-as gobi and aloo are inseperable, and she, sort of agreed.
But it still makes me wonder as to why our gang is named after the belt of a kimono.

* Aditi and 'Yo-man!'
this is during the initial phases, when we'd just met and jtjn had just been released. We used to recite aditi like a poem, in all the ways possible-rap way, sad way, yelling way, serenading way. And we used to say yo-man all the time. It was like our class symbol. We even drew two fingers and a big 'Yo!' as a flag and put it on the notice board. Yae. Fun.

Note- i'll continue later. I really need to go study kinetics or i'll flop in the next test too. *sob*

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