Monday, October 29, 2007

Spirit Of Cricket, huh?

For Indians, cricket is a passion.Its strange that people get so carried away by just a game, in which they might not even be playing,that they begin to do weird things. Things which they might not even mean. The past few matches against Australia have been an example of this. The racial taunting of Andrew symonds has left me quite disappointed. People were actually been photographed making monkey-like gestures,they abused him and made animal noises.
What is this? Is this the India that preaches secularism? Why are these people so set on destroying the spirit of game?
The game is seen as a symbol of tolerance, team spirit and diversity.
I mean,Symonds (fantastic player) was booed at when he went to receive the Man Of The Series award. The poor guy didn't even come to the media conference later. I'm happily surprised at how he handled himself. Any other person would have been quite furious and have done some thing to get back. These people were all adults, yet they could not behave sensibly.They were guests in our country, and how amazingly we treated them...(wow. ME, 15-year-old ME, preaching).
The racial aspect of this taunting was being denied earlier by the Indian authorities. But in the last match, they could not ignore it. Thankfully, they evicted some of the trouble makers. Indians have anyway never been known as polite, and now, this is further demolishing India's image internationally. What is symonds fault? That he plays well? Or that the Indian team can't beat them? That he's better than some of our players?
Apparently, some Aussi youths are planning to get back at the Indians (read: the Indian team) in the same way when they come to tour Australia. I don't think they'd succeed as the Australians don't hesitate to enforce their laws unlike the Indians who prefer to turn the blind eye until forced to do something.
I actually won't mind a lot he they do that. Some of the players themselves behave quite childishly. Take Sreesanth for eg. He taunts, screams and makes some rather unappealing gestures while in the field. He's aggressive and stupid. When asked (after the 20-20 world cup was over) about how being aggressive had become his identity and if he'd continue yelling his guts out (this is not in direct speech) I was irritated by is reply. He said that there was more good coming out of it than bad (don't ask me how) and that he'd continue doing it. He didn't regret being fined. He said that the loss was only of money and that the gain was more (of what?).
What the hell, man... Its just a game...

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Perception changes everything

Perception: 1 a:result of perceiving: observation b:a mental image: concept 2:a capacity for comprehension
(courtesy webster)
Perception is a very amazing thing. Its basically how you see things. Everyone sees the same thing but their mind perceives it differently. I dont only mean the glass-half-full-half-empty thing, it also plays an important part in more complex things. You must have noticed it yourself, how people can see one piece of art as different things etc. etc.
Perception is damn important in things like classification of things (no,this is NOT chem). For eg, my french paper had an article that talked about how scientists are not counting pluto as a planet anymore. This got of thinking, who said what a planet should be like? We didn't get stones from god with rules for calling something a planet, did we? Its all how we think a planet should be, how we observed all the planets an supposed all of them should be.
In the same way, scientists suppose that a planet should be like earth to have life. Thats what they perceive after seeing earth, their only example. But, i dont agree. Maybe there are other conditions for life to exist. Maybe organisms on other planets live on a different gas, have different type of sense organs and can live only in high temperatures.
Ok. I am getting carried away.
But perception does change everything, even personalities. Inferiority complex is when a person perceives himself inferior, thinks lowly of himself (a person can have one even he doesn't know/accept it). Some people think of themselves as being fat, no matter what you say(yes, sam, refering to you). The psychological ink-blot test is based on perception and reveals a lot about how a person thinks.

Its basically about how the same thing looks different to different people. Not how our eyes view it, but how our mind does. This is all shaped by how we are brought up, how we are made to think and what things influence us. Like, a person brought up in a conservative family will be all giggly when talking about sex as compared to a person who is used to talking about it freely.
Its also depends on how receptive we are, how open we are to new things. The more we see, the more ideas we have, the more angles we can see something from. But, it doesn't help he you look at something with a fixed mindset.
All this is what I think and That's perception for you.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Amazing consequences of being sick before french exam

Wow. I've got a cold. Cool, huh? And that also just before the french exam, which i anyway dont study for, and now i've got a fair reason to snore than to study. The worst part is, its not like in english, that i dont study, but still end up getting in 80's. I study for french to get 70!
I dont know why i took french, maybe i had lost my mind. You get nice marks in hindi easily, but it isnt about marks always, is it? I never was good in french. Actually, i never tried to be. I still have a vague memory of how in 5th, we were to write about our family. Not being too fond of my brother then, i wanted to write some thing like,"he's dumb". Not being good at using the dictionary, i actually wrote, "Il est une âne". The french teacher had her own little laugh at this,me calling my brother a female donkey.
I also remember a french test in fifth. There was a question in which the only word i recognised was "nurse". I started to write a dialogue from me to the nurse telling her that i was going to the hospital and asking if she would like to come with me (god knows why and how i was writing that. I couldnt even conjugate etre properly). Later, when revising, i squinted at the question and it slowly began to make sense. It was actually asking what a nurse does or some thing like that. So you get the idea how brain-less i can be in terms of français. I actually bothered to learn the conjugation of etre in 7th!
I think i should go sleep.... Fever and all, you know....Sure, I'll study french. Maybe...
Oh yeah, and the stupid doctor thinks i look anemic!! Well, more of a reason to sleep....