Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Aaj bahut ajeeb din hai.

Ok. Today is totally weird.
All of a sudden, ok, so maybe not THAT suddenly, in the AVH, this guy told me that this other guy has a crush on me.
Then, I go out of the AVH, my friend suddenly tells some other guy that she had a crush on him.
Both the things happened in the last perod today, and my reaction to both was "WHAT??!!"

For the first,cause it doesn't seem like the guy likes me(lets call him A). But then the guy who told me about it(lets call him B) seemed pretty sincere and wouldn't lie for no reason. And yeah, he told me "Jab dekho, to pata chalta hai."
Maybe that could be. Its pretty apparent to us girls when a another girl likes a guy, cause of the way she behaves, but the guys doon't get a clue. It could be the same for me.
Any ways, I've told B that I'll kill him if he was lying.

For the 2nd, I was surprised cause i thought she'll never tell him.

I'm shaken.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I'm doing this vela post though i have better things to blog about, just because irritating adi is fun.

Here's some haiku on him (yes, i used a syllable counter).

I hate Aditya
Why does he like me so much??
He looks horrible

I love it. Its a masterpiece.


Snow is nice panda
save pandas from predators
and from Aditya

And ya, whats the point of haiku anyways??
It doesn't rhyme, you have to count the stupid syllables and it sounds horrible.
Why did anyone invent it???

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I am a Kriminal

So, our school teachers suggested we read our almanac. Our CT actually gave us 15 min to read it. I was getting dead bored, so i decided to flip through it and surprsingly, i came upon a very interesting quiz called "Do the right thing, Say the right thing." I scored 21 out of 24 on it.

OK, OK, it isn't a quiz, its the list of rules which we SHOULDN'T break.
Wow. i scored 21/24!!!
I'm a criminal!!!

Here is the list.

1. Disfiguring or damaging school property. Untidy and unruly behaviour in class. - well, DUH i've broken this rule. I've scratched my name on tables, i swore at people and i've thrown pieces of paper on the floor. Ha!

2. Bunking classes and monday tests- you aren't a true dipsite if you haven't bunked.

3. Bunking school- Na, thats one i haven't done.

4. Sloganeering and signature campaigns.- I DID sign for the signature campaign for "SAVE THE TIGER". I dunno if its against the rules.

5. Bringing cell phones to school- come on, everyone who has a cell phone does.

6. Use of violence in any form- I've slapped jangu.

7. Scribbling or writing anything on shirts or uniform- Lemme think, i think i've scribbled "kick me" and "420" on lots of people's shirts. umm..yea, i have.

8. Using abusive language- Who the fuck said i've broken this one???

9. Not wearing the proper school uniform- yea, i've worn winter shirts during summer time, exchanged green for white shirts and even worn jeans.

10. assembling or going to PPC- I haven't ASSEMBLED, but i've gone there.

11. Bringing, wearing, buying, selling or possesing any kind of gament with slogans written on them- I've brought, worn, bought and possessed (still possess actualy,) them, but not sold.
*clicks tongue* no way that i'd do such a hideous thing.

12. Damaging, scribbling or tearing pages from library, text or exercise books- not library, but i've torn lotsa pages from my exercise books. i mean, who hasn't!!!

13. Brining sharp and injury causing articles such as knives, etc- i got my swiss army knife for 2 yrs till an asshole stole it.

14. Bringing books, CD's etc. not relevent to their course work- yada, yada, who the hell made this rule anyways????

15. Bringing costly articles (like expensive watches, cameras, fountain pens , i pods)- FOUNTAIN PENS????? are u kidding me???

16. Bullying or using any from of violence against a fellow student- refer to rule #6
17. Smoking, gambling, drinking or using drugs- No Way.

18. Possession of crackers or bursting crackers in school -Na, i'm a good girl.

19. Throwing of colour on one another within or near the school premises- I've dropped ink on someone.

20. Bringing more than Rs. 30/- for canteen purposes- Rs 30/- does NOT feed 20-30 hungry teens yelling for a treat on your birthday.

21. a) Entering school without uniform even after school hours- think class assembly.
b) Bringing civil clothes at any point of time- read rule # 21 a)

22. Late arrival in classes- everyday matter.

23. Late arrival in school- happened a few times.

24. Misconduct, indiscipline and misbehaviour in school transport- huh???

How much do you score??? Anyone who beats me gets a treat!!!
And yeah, who the hell made these stupid rules????

Friday, July 4, 2008

Dumb things I thought and did when i was a kid

All of us,thought and did stupid things when we were kids. Here's a list of mine. No criticism allowed.

#1 I believed that Indians got indipendence by beating the crap otta the British and killin' 'em all. No idea where i got the idea from- But i freaked out one day, when i discovered that Brits lived in England. I concluded that other Indians didin't know about it, cause if they did, they'd have killed the rest of the Brits too. Ad yeah, i DID want them to.

#2 I got into a hbit of asking my mom everyday, "dopahar ho rahi hai kya???/ is it afternoon????" I simply couldn't understand what timeof the day was "dopahar"/ afternoon.
Morning was the time you woke up. Evening was when the sun went down. Night was when you slept.
When the hell was afternoon?!?!?!

#3 A lot of planes pass over my house during th night. When we first shifted here, i thought that they were sounds made by dinosaurs who lived in the nearby park.

#4 I also believed for a long time that it became day and night because somebody changed the scene aroundour house, just like they do in plays.

#5 I thought the moon followed me.

#6 I was once very fascinated by how sometimes, it became sunny and shady abruptly. I didn't understand that it was just because clouds passed in front of the sun.
I once asked a senior in school (she was in 5th, i was in 3rd). She smiled and shook her head importantly, "tumhe badi classes mein pata chalega!!"

#7 I tried to smuggle a stray puppy into the house.
My parents (duh) found out (duh) and sent it back (duh).

#8 I thought my brother was an ass. I was wrong. My brother is brainless. Asses have brain (I mean the donkey vala ass, you pervert!!!)