Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Finally the coaching break started this friday. All the hostellers are
off to their homes, and i'm here, trying to revise the 11th syllabus.

I currently have a vein throbbing in my forehead, cause i've been
getting pretty mad about a couple of things.
For example, the attacks on indians in australia. AFTER 15 ppl get
attacked, they finally accept that the attacks ARE racist. The worst
thing is, they haven't been able to stop anything. A large number of
attacks have occured after the first few came into people's notice,
but it doesn't seem like they want to take action.

And then, there's my brother. He's an old problem. He's a moron. Need
i say more?

Also, that kanpur-jeans panga and my best friend just reminded me of
the hundreds of incidents in which girls were unfairly discriminated
against and blamed for their rapes, and abused etc etc.

Which also made me think, i understand that guys have high levels of
testosterone, which makes them more aggressive and xxx-ish, but do
they have no self control?
There are millions of cases of eve teasing, rapes and harassment
around the world in just one month. So, that means there are millions
of guys with no control over their hormones and no respect for women.
It just makes me so angry. HOW DARE THEY?
Hormones or no hormones, no matter how horny a girl is, you never see
HER going around feeling the ass of any cute guy on the street. You
don't see them trying to peek at any random guy's dick. No, not even a
guy that you like, just some random guy on the street.
Ew. The thought is pretty disgusting. Why'd you want to see it
anyways, i dunno. Thats why i don't understand how guys manage to get
excited by staring at any random female's boobs.
And then, if a girl gets raped, she's treated as if it was her fault.
Her 'character' is doubted, some families disown the girl, people
mistreat you, and always, the guy gets away with no consequences.

I'll stop now. It just frustrates me a lot, and to no avail.

3 things said by people:

Raghu said...

I agree with you :-)

Espèra said...

Yet another case surfaces - Shiney Ahuja's. I wonder when they're gonna let him go. Obviously his family and friends will offer condolences, his career will not be affectd in the least, and even if the Police do give him a term, he'll just bail himself out.
And then what??
Yet another petty criminal roaming the streets of India.

P.S. You changed the name of your blog?

Midnight Sun said...

Raghu- thanx :)
esp- ya well, i didn't expect something like that from a person like him. He has a wife and a kid. He has a life. I really can't imagine why he'd need to rape anyone, but if he's guilty, he should be punished
ya, i changed d name... The old one was weird cause i didn't exactly talk a lot abt muslims anyway... And the url as stararweneven was plain weird... And i'm not even obsessed with lotr anymore...